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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Dance Hall Days

Ok, so they were cultural halls, but we still danced in them.

I have a diverse list of music on my prefered player (Musicmatch Jukebox), and just for fun, I've been listening to some 90's dance music. It struck me how many of these songs I heard as a youth at those dances (spring 1997- summer 2001). Not familiar with 90's dance music? If you've ever seen the SNL skits with the Roxbury Guys, the song heard in the background is Haddaway's "What Is Love?, a song that came out in 1993.

Whenever I think of the kind of music they played at our stake dances, that song is one of the first to pop into my mind. I also think of "Where Do You Go?" by No Mercy, "Another Night" by The Real McCoy, and especially "Cotton Eye Joe" by Rednex. We also listened to dance standards like "Electric Boogie (The Electric Slide)" by Marcia Griffiths and "YMCA" by The Village People. When they became popular, we also danced to the "Macarena Remix" by the Bayside Boys, and the "Cha Cha Slide" by DJ Casper.

I sometimes wonder if any of these songs are still played at the dances, and if any will endure to when my future children attend. I know we'd get a handful of disco songs that my parents listened to when they were youth, so maybe it's possible.

1 comment:

Eddie said...

Funny, I have a few of those songs on my iPod... Where do you go, What is love.. in the early 90's another frequent song at church dances was "You Spin Me" (round round baby.. like a record player round round etc)

I even have the Macarena, though my copy is the original. I came to know that song on my mission, when the guys who sold cheap knockoff CD's would blare it from every streetcorner. It was only upon my return to the real world of pop culture (post mission) that I learned of the quick rise and fall of that song...