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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

It's a Mother's Day miracle! ^_^

My hubby was able to go to Sacrament meeting today! He was only there for an hour, but that was okay, because he was there!
Last night, he asked me what time the other ward that shares our building starts. I looked it up, and they start at 11:30 (we start at 9:00). So he set his alarm so he could go to the other ward for sacrament. (A little FYI: He has a hard time getting up early because of the fibromyalgia. We've been working on getting him to bed and waking up early a few days, and it helps a bit. He hasn't been able to go to church for a long time, and he thought it would be a good idea to attend the other ward to get the sacrament.)
He came back from getting ready for bed a few minutes later and said, "I'm going to our ward tomorrow." I was floored. While he showered, I begged in outward prayer that he would be able to go. After his shower, we said a prayer, mainly asking that he'd feel well enough to go to church the next day, and continued reading in the Book of Mormon where we had left off the other night. The second verse we read was Mormon 9:21 - "Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth."
And wouldn't you know it, I woke up this morning and got myself ready, then hubby woke up and I helped him get ready. When we came upstairs, his dad was going out the door and was happy to see him up. Then his mom saw him. "You're going?" she asked.
"Happy Mother's Day!" he said. Boy was she thrilled! She told us on the ride to church that this was her second favorite Mother's Day. Her most favorite was when my hubby came home from his mission.
So this wasn't such a bad day. ^_^ All the women in the ward got a huge chocolate-almond candybar. I had to leave after he Primary kids sang so I could set up for Nursery, but I was back in time to sing the last hymn. I was so happy that I was able to sit with my husband this Sunday at church, and I'm ever so grateful that our prayer was answered.
So, that's my miracle! Thank you for letting me gush. ^_^


Beth Blair said...

I'm so happy for you. Congrats, from a fellow LDS sister blogger

Stephen said...

Interesting stuff, fibromyalgia, have you looked at HGH producing protien to help with it?

Usually used for weight loss or by bodybuilders since HGH is both risky and expensive, taking a protien supplement of the sort that stimulates HGH production (on an empty stomach, right before bed) has helped some people.