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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Evangelist = Patriarch?

I was reading about the Community of Christ on their website the other day, just to be curious. It's interesting to see the different ways we see eye-to-eye, but also to see where our doctrines differ. One that jumped out at me is a sacrament that the CoC has that is similar to the patriarchal blessing that a person is given in the LDS church. From what I've been told at the Non-Mormon Latter-day Saints board over at Beliefnet (this post title is named after the thread I started there), the patriarchal blessing was also given to members of the CoC church. What makes the two different is that women were ordained to the priesthood in the CoC in 1985, and the term "patriarch" no longer fit. Instead, they call it the evangelist's blessing. Also, the evangelist's blessing no longer names which tribe one is descended from (as is done in the LDS church), more than one blessing can be obtained throughout a person's lifetime (where in the LDS, a person receives their patriarchal blessing only once), and there is an option for the blessing to be recorded (LDS blessings are recorded).

1 comment:

Pirate Princess said...

When my brother recieved his p. blessing, the patriarch stopped in the middle & told him that it could not be concluded at that time. When he feels ready, he's to return to a partiarch & have his blessing finished. I had never heard of that happening before. :)