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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I don't remember how I stumbled onto this website, but I'm glad I did. It has all sorts of interesting subjects for women in the church. It's divided into seven different Chic sections: Gospel (having to do with the church), Deal Diva (shopping tips and tricks), Recipe (delicious recipes to try), Mommy (all about being a mother), Style (for fashionable ladies), Crafty (for the handiwoman), and Healthy (all about health).
There are a variety of articles in each section, and lots of great ideas for Enrichment night (for those outside the church, Enrichment night is one night a month where the sisters 18 and up can go and learn and hang out). There are even Special Topics dealing with holidays, baby 101, weddings, and missionaries. It's definitely worth at least checking it out.

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