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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Monday, February 07, 2005

A couple thoughts...

My mother-in-law shared with us an e-mail she received from her mom (both of Mira's grandmothers are alive) recently. A guy is sitting in a chair at a barber's office, and the barber tells him that he's an athiest. Curious, the mas asks why. "Well," said the barber, " if there were a god, he wouldn't let anything bad happen. There can't be a god because of all the evil in the world." The man, unsure of what to say to that, lets the barber continue to cut his hair, and as he leaves, he sees a homeless man with long hair and a scraggly beard down the street. So the man walks back in and says, "There are no such things as barbers."
"What do you mean?" asked the barber. "I'm right here!"
"But I saw a man down the street with long hair and a scraggly beard. If there were such a thing as barbers, this man would have short hair and be clean shaven."
"But I can't do anything if he doesn't come to me!"
"That's exactly the point! How can we expect God to help us if we don't go to him for help?"

Yesterday was Fast Sunday. In testimony meeting, the daughter of one of my visiting teachers, all of seven, got up and said she was grateful for her family. "My family had a new baby named (name here). I thought my brother would be the last one (he's three), but you never know." I was setting up for nursery and listening to it in there, so I didn't see her parents' reactions to it, but I'm sure I heard some laughing in there. ^_^

I've been thinking: When my nieces and nephews have kids, what relation are I and Mira to them? Great- aunt and great-uncle?

1 comment:

Eddie said...

"Relatives," that's the easiest answer!

Great story about the barber, I'll have to log that one away for future reference. Thanks for sharing.