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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Friday, June 11, 2004

Why "The Movie"?

Oh my goodness! I was just at IMDb and, on a lark, I typed in Saturday's Warrior. Ever since I've been on that website, they've never had it. So I was expecting to see a list of movies that had the words saturday and warrior, as usual. But imagine my surprise to see a page for the movie! It's very scarce at the moment, but as time progresses, I know there will be more.
But with any good movie, there looms a remake. And this beloved movie is to become one of them. Yes, dear friends, Saturday's Warrior is being remade. There's even an official website, which as of now consists of a picture and nothing else. My question is, why?! It was perfectly fine as a video. Why does it need to be remade? Reading the synopsis made me slap my forehead in disbelief.
You know, I have seen the movie so many times, and listened to the stage libretto on tape countless times, I practically know the entire movie by heart. Yes, I know that's sad. But hey, it's a great movie. I still cry at the end.

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