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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Testing, one, two three...

Is this thing on? Ok, here goes...
Hello, I'm Sister T, and I'm a young, married LDS woman, as you can see by my blog header. I have a couple other blogs, but I'd like to keep them separate from this one.
Anyway, I've been married for over a year. My husband, Brother M, and I were sealed in the St. Louis temple and we've never been happier. We're both in school and we're not ready to have kids yet, but we do have some fish and that keeps us busy enough.
I suppose you're wondering why I've chosen this name. Well, I like to keep my real name off-line as best as possible, and I do the same with my friends and family members as best I can. My name starts with a "T", and we use the terms "brother" and "sister" in our church. Hence why my name is Sister T and my husband is reffered to as Brother M.
A little more background on me: I have just been called to be in the Nursery, after teaching the Sunbeams (three to four year-olds) for nine months or so, and the Valiant 10's (nine to ten year-olds) for five. My husband accompanied me in those callings, along with being ward organist, which he's done practically since he's been home from his mission. I was in the Nursery for about a year or so in my home ward before I got married, so this will be familiar territory for me.
Anyway, this is me so far. I'll try to post as often as I can.
Sister T

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