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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Beliefs (Parts 17-20)

These are the last questions on the quiz. The answers, and why I chose them, follow.

Question #17
Social betterment programs (e.g., equality, anti-poverty, education) should be fundamental.
-Not applicable

Most definitely. "Do unto others", right?

Question #18
Nonviolence (e.g., pacifism, conscientious objector) should be fundamental.
-Not applicable

I don't know what to say beyond I agree.

Question #19
Prayer, meditation, or spiritual healing practices shoud be favored to the exclusion of conventional health treatment (for all serious conditions or serious types of conditions).
-Not applicable

I'm all for trying prayer or other spiritual healing practices (we're big on the laying on of hands), but there are certain instances where simply meditating away a broken leg won't cut it. The phrase, "God helps those who help themselves" comes to mind. Go ahead and say a prayer, but a trip to the emergency room won't hurt.

Question #20
Revering nature or the environment should be fundamental.
-Not applicable.

The earth can't take care of us if we don't take care of it. Simple enough.

Well, that's it for my What I Believe series. Thanks for hanging on for the ride!

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