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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

My Beliefs (Part 3)

This is the third question from the Belief-O-Matic. My answer, and why I chose it, follows.

Question #3
What are the origins of the physical universe and life on earth? Choose one.

-As in the book of Genesis, God created a mature universe and mature life forms from nothing in less than 7 days, less than 10,000 years.
-As in the book of Genesis, but "day" is not 24 hours, possibly refers to thousands (or even millions) of years, or to creation phases.
-God is creating and controlling the phenomena uncovered by scientists. Or there are other spiritual explanations, not in conflict with scientific discovery.
-Al matter and lifeforms are manifestations (or illusions) of the eternal Absolute (Ultimate Truth, Universal Soul or Mind, etc.)
-Only natural forces (like evolution) and no Creator or spiritual forces. Or not sure. Or not important.
-None of the above.

This particular question asks you to pick only one answer, but I would have picked two if I could. I also would have picked the next answer: "God is creating and controlling the phenomena uncovered by scientists. Or there are other spiritual explanations, not in conflict with scientific discovery." I also think that evolution works itself in there somewhere, but since I don't agree with the rest of the answer, I didn't choose that one.

I'm not quite sure where else to go with this, but if I think of something later, then I'll add on to this post.

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