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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Any relation?

The new missionary in our ward is going to hear that phrase a lot. He's probably heard it a lot in the almost year he's been out and will probably be bombarded with it the rest of his mission.

We had the missionaries over for dinner the other night. When my husband caught sight of the new elder's nametag, he asked why it sounded familiar, so I told him. And the inevitable ensued.

"Any relation?"

"Yeah, he's my brother."



Our new missionary is the brother of a pretty famous movie director. I'm not sure whether mentioning the name is a good idea, just in case. But if you can guess who, then I might let you in on it. ^_^

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