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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Oh dear...

I read today that Mitt Romney has announced that he's going to run for president.

I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I do know two things: If it comes down to him as Republican candidate, I'm not going to vote for him just because he shares my religion. I also know that I really know nothing about him, so I'll have to read more about him, just as I will with the other candidates, then make my decision from there.

This subject has come up in various LDS blogs and message boards, and the general concensus seems to be that it might bring up negative press about the church. A recent opinion poll (recent being within the past couple months) states that a majority of people would not vote for an LDS president. Because of all this, I seriously doubt he'll get very far in the race for US President, but I do wish him luck, just as I do with all the candidates.

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