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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Pre-dates Christianity?

Opinion warning! This post contains my opinion. I do not want to start a debate. If you don't agree with me, you can say so. But I will not get into a debate with anybody. Uncalled for comments will not be tolerated. If you start bashing, your comments will be deleted.

I've been reading Dan Brown recently. I started with The Da Vinci Code, then read Angels & Demons (A&D is actually first). Both are good books, and very entertaining. I thought a lot when I read TDVC, mainly about the whole "Christianity didn't exist until after Christ's death and lots of Christian ideas were taken from other religions" thing.

Mind you, this is my totally non-professional, just me, an average LDS woman's opinion here, so bear with me. I don't think anything pre-dated Christianity. It always has been, ever since Adam and Eve.

See, when Adam and Eve were here on earth, they had the knowledge and they taught it to their children. But like a game of telephone, the original message was changed as it went forth, and by the time there were people all over the earth, the message was almost unrecognizable. Some of the original message was still intact, but a good portion of it was lost. Other religions on the earth have idealogies similar to LDS belief. This is one that really stands out to me:

*As Latter-day Saints, we are taught that Heavenly Father has a wife.
*We have cultures that include goddess worship.

This was the central theme of TDVC. I don't know why we are told to not pray to or worship our Heavenly Mother. Maybe we already do by praying to our Father, since He and Mother have been sealed for all eternity and are one in body and spirit, much like LDS couples that have been sealed in the temple, just on a much grander scale. But this is only speculation on my part.

So, that's a chapter of the Gospel According to Sister T. I suck at conclusions, so I'll just end it here. Again, this is my opinion, so let me have it.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

Glad you shared your opinions.