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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Review: The Work and the Glory

My mother-in-law and I went to see this tonight. The closest theatre to us that was still showing it was almost an hour away, but boy was it worth it. There were eleven people including us: ten adults and a cute little blond girl, maybe four or five years old. When it ended, the lady in front of us said, in a French sounding accent, "I want to see the rest!"
It was interesting how they didn't really bring too much theology into it. Joseph recounts his vision, and we see a couple of people baptized. That's about it. The movie instead focuses on more of the history of the early church, and a major point of focus is the persecution that Joseph and his followers endured. What's sad is that it still goes on today. But I digress.
What can I say? I liked this movie. The music was reminiscent of most church-sponsored films, but that's okay. It worked. The acting was a whole lot better than that of The Book of Mormon Movie, but that's just my opinion. I think Jonathan Scarfe did a wonderful job portraying Joseph Smith. And the subplot involving Joshua and Nathan with Lydia reminded me of an episode in my life (possible spoiler for those who haven't read th books): I was interested in one guy, but he made himself scarce for a while and I ended up going for another guy. The big difference was that in my case, the two men were not brothers. Okay, possible spoiler alert over. ^_^
Anyway, I definitely want this movie as a part of my movie collection. I doubt I'll be able to get a copy where I live though. But maybe I will! Who knows?

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