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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

I've been proselytized!

Just as I was getting ready to use my father-in-law's weights to build up my arms, I heard the doorbell ring. "Well, what if it's important?"
So I came up the steps and saw through the window some people holding what looked like they might have been suitcases. Well, we're expecting some family from Mississippi who are coming to stay with us because they were told to evacuate because of the impending hurricane (so it's gonna hit part of Mississippi, too?). Nope. I opened up the door and it was two elderly gentlemen wearing rather nice church-looking clothes holding briefcases. They were Jehovah's Witnesses. I told them I was busy, but would accept the mini-magazines that they were handing out (just to be nice). I wasn't necessarily lying, I did have to work out. Then I had to make breakfast, vacuum the floors, do some homework, etc.
I've seen these magazine things they give out before. They usually have at least one picture of what it'll be like during the Millenium: everybody will grin like Cheshire cats. It wasn't until I was benching 50 lbs. (I'm a weakling) that I came up with different things I could have said, like, "I see your church everytime I go to my church. Have you ever heard of the Latter-day Saints?" Or maybe even throw in, "I read the Bible, but I also read a few other scriptures. Have you ever read the Book of Mormon?" But instead, I just said, "Well, God bless you both."
I remember standing at the busstop one cold morning waiting to catch my bus to take me to class, when a car pulled up by me and a guy got out and gave me some of the magazines. I'm thinking, "Ok, as a witness of Christ, could you show some Christian compassion and give me a ride?" But I can't really say anything. I try not to pick up folks on the side of the road. You never know when they'll turn out to be a Jack the Ripper character. But I'm not like one of those. Usually. ^_^

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