Just for grins, I went to the church website and looked at my picture on the membership page for my ward, and was surprised at how short I really am and how tall my husband really is! I barely come up to his shoulder in this picture, I'm tiny in stature, and he's very broad shouldered. I look like his teenage daughter! It's very scary...
I went a family reunion this weekend. One of my great-uncles is a minister, and he usually gives a prayer over the meal. I found myself interjecting "Thee"'s, "Thou"'s, and "Thine"'s in my mind in place of the "You"'s and "Your"'s that he used. I'm used to using the flowery language found in scriptures in my prayers, and have this habit of interjecting what I feel to be more appropriate language into the prayers of others.
I read an article on Beliefnet that I found to be rather interesting on father's rights in cases of abortion. It talked about how the fathers of aborted babies more often than not have no say in whether or not the fetus is aborted. In the case of one man, he and his girlfriend were going to have a baby and had everything planned, but she decided to get rid of it without telling him. Even though he would have had responsibility to raise the baby and pay child support anyway, she went ahead. I still don't see why some women don't just go through with it anyway and give the baby up for adoption. There are hundreds of infertile couples in America. Why deprive them of the possibility of adopting? Give the baby to somebody who wants it. But anyway, that's kinda off topic. I don't want to stir up controversy...
A thought: "The power of your prayer depends on you."
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