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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Friday, June 11, 2004

I suppose an explanation is in order...

Imagine my surprise to find a comment this evening! Turns out it's from a friend of mine, who found this on my profile. But that's ok. Guess I forgot to mention why I want to keep this blog separated from my others.
Mainly, I want this one to be religiously themed. I've been thinking recently about having a blog that has more of a focus on my beliefs and anything else that deals with religion. It wasn't until I was at my parents' home and I couldn't sleep that I decided to go through with it. I read others on the "bloggernacle", and they have motivated me to write about the things I believe, think, ponder, and speculate upon. (Thanks guys and gals!)
Well, I guess this would make a good first topic. My dad is a heretic, and he'll admit it. He has quite a few specualtions; he could probably write a book about them. ^_^ For instance, he says that Christ will return on 6 April 2042. He gave a good reasoning, but I can't remember the facts, unfortunately. Suffice it to say, he had what he sees as convincing evidence. I myself once thought it'd be in 2033 because He was 33 when He died. Besides, He didn't return on 2000 or 2001, and practically everybody was convinced that was when the Millenium was going to start. Yes, a millenium has started, but not the Millenium.
Well, I guess this is enough for now. Hopefully my well of thoughts doesn't dry out too soon. After all, I'm only on my third post!

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