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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

My Beliefs (Parts 13-16)

These are the thirteenth through sixteenth questions from the Belief-O-Matic. My answers, and why I chose them, follow.

Question #13
Elective abortion should be accepted (not proclaimed or treated as immoral).
-Not applicable

Electing to have an abortion can't be an easy thing to go through with. (I haven't a clue, since I've never been in that position.) I can agree that forcing a woman to have a baby after being raped can be rather cruel. True, she could still keep the baby and give it up for adoption, but not every woman can go through with it.
I'm still up in the air about aborting a child destined to have a disability, whether mental or physical. People with disabilitites deserve a chance at life as much as the next person, but I understand that some parents would not be able to handle it. I also wonder how many people are open to the idea of adopting a special needs baby/child.
If I were in a position where I had to decide whether or not to abort a baby I was carrying, I would do a lot of hard thinking and praying on it before I made a final decision.

Question #14
Homosexual behavior should be regarded as immoral or out of harmony.
-Not applicable

I believe some people are born with homosexual feelings, and I believe others opt for it because of bad experiences they've had in their lives. I have friends and an extended family member (that I know of so far) who are gay. I'm happy when they find someone they love, and sad when their relationships end.
I try to love everyone they way God would want me to. After all, we are all His children, whether you're heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, transgendered, asexual (no sexual feelings at all), intersexual; the list goes on and on. (Heck, until the past couple years, I was only aware of the gender binary.)
I agree that if everybody deserves the same freedoms, then everybody deserves the right to get married, or to adopt a baby. I would attend a same-sex ceremony for somebody I'm close to if I had the chance. (I actually had one last year, but wasn't able to attend.) I would support my gay friends and family if they decided to start a family.
Despite all this, I just can't bring myself to fully embrace homosexuality and all that goes with it, if that makes any sense. It's something that I still have to make some decisions on.

Question #15
Roles for women and men should be proscribed.
-Not applicable

I'm not sure why I agreed with that statement. I guess it's just because that's a part of my religion, as well as most other religions.

Question #16
Divorce and/or remarriage should be restricted or punished or condemned.
-Not applicable

I think divorce needs to be an option, and absolutely necessary in some cases. No one deserves to be shamed because they divorced.

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