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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Out with the old...

I was realeased today after a year and a half in the nursery with the precious children of our ward. When Sister B called me this morning asking me for my input on the graduation of the soon-to-be-Sunbeams we had today, she said she heard I was being released. The sister who took my place (another sweet gal) told Sister B that she had recently been called into the Nursery, so Sister B naturally assumed I already knew I was being released. I didn't. ^_^

When the *bishop's family came over for dinner a few months ago, he said, "We need to get you out of the nursery," and I told him, "Maybe one of these days". I figured I'd be in there for another year. Thankfully it didn't come as a complete shock when, sure enough, they announced that I was being released today. I had a lot of people saying they were going to miss having me there. We've had a couple releases and calls this year in the nursery, but I was the one constant.

While I'll miss being with those sweet spirits, I'll also get to look forward to sitting with my hubby each Sunday. This year's schedule hasn't worked for him because church starts so early (his health makes it hard to get up before noon), but next year we start later in the day, so it should be easier for him to attend. I'm grateful that I've had this time to work with the nursery-age children. It's given me some experience with that particular age group that I'll need when Mira and I eventually start our family. It's been fun being a teacher to them and I know that at least a few of them will remember me. I know I'll remember them.

*The bishop is the leader of the ward, or congregation.

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