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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

After the "I do"'s...

We just came back from the reception. It was very nice. My new neice (who's three years older than I) is so cute, and she looks good with my nephew.
The décor was beautiful. There was a real working fountain in the church cultural hall (the gym), and a "tree-lined path" where the receiving line was. There were lights strung up all around, bigger than Christmas tree bulbs, but with softer light, and the tables had little satchels, one with a lavendar scent, and the other one with Jordan almonds. The food was delicious, and the cake was amazing (buttercream icing!). There were two kinds: chocolate and lemon. I was full and didn't feel like having cake, but we were sent home with a slice of each. I ended up having a bite of both when I got home. I wanted to eat the whole slice of chocolate! But I'll save it for later.
Anyway, fun to be had by all: love in the air, friends to see, cameras to smile at... and cake!


Moueska said...

Just delete his, sister. He isn't worth your time, your anger, or your wrath. God will see to his destruction in time.


T said...

And that's just what I did! ^_^
Thanks, sweetie!