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Names of people I know have been changed to respect the privacy of those involved. Unless they say it's okay, or I see elsewhere.

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Can't Think of a Place I'd Rather Be...

The bend of the river will be very lonely each summer without over six hundred performers, hundreds of stagehands, tech workers, etc., and thousands of spectators to keep it company. Since 1976, The City of Joseph pageant has been performed in Nauvoo, Illinois, and after 28 years and 196 performances, it will be no more. My parents were there to see the first run, and my family was there to see the final one. The man who originated it was my mom's bishop.
We would always go up and see the dress rehearsal. It was less crowded and just as good. It would have been nice if they would have waited two more years. It could have been given a 30-year run. Oh well, such is life.
I had always thought it would be neat to be in it. As a matter of fact, my sister and I thought it would be neat to be in it, but found that they take families first, and our folks probably couldn't get the (at least) month or so off to practice, so we never did. But it still would have been neat. I did get to meet one of the original cast members, though. In one scene, there's a girl named Amy and at my very first Enrichment meeting, she came to speak on the life of Emma Smith. That was neat. Almost as neat as having an LDS author as a seminary teacher (Becky Paget, author of The Belle of Nauvoo and Romancing the Nephites). ^_^

On another note, a sad one, we've lost another Apostle. David B. Haight died early this morning. My condolences go out to the family of the once oldest living apostle (97!).

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